I'm last minute packing for a much needed long weekend away at the beach in CA!! We really can't afford it, but we exchanged our timeshare about 8 months ago so it's been paid for. ARGH - don't get me started on the timeshare thing! Do any of you own one? It's been a great way for us to take trips we otherwise wouldn't be able to, but the fees, and more fees are killing us! This place has a full kitchen so I'm bringing stuff from home and we'll bbq on our patio each night. All we plan to do is play at the beach and and the pool - FREE! And maybe get some long walks in too. I can't wait.
Hubby has been traveling so much lately, so this time away as a family will be nice. I'm tired, but I know he's exhausted! He just got in at 9 tonight from Texas and has been working 19 hour days 6 days straight. He's been there since last week helping his company deal with the hurricane aftermath. I know he really would just like to relax at home, but once he smells the ocean (I so miss that smell) I know he'll feel right at home.
Enjoy your weekend! I'll post beach pics when I return. =)
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
But it's a dry heat
It's finally cooling down though and it's only about 100 degrees today! Yes, "you do get used to the heat". And yes, "it's only a dry heat"!! I didn't quite buy into either of those statements when we first moved here 3 years ago from Southern CA. I was miserable! I missed my family, I missed the beach, I missed the cool breeze, I missed green, I missed the variety of people, I missed all the ma and pa restaurants with yummy food, I missed being able to take a walk anytime of year, I had a newborn baby with health problems (that's another post) and I wanted to go home and never see another cactus again!
BUT 3 1/2 years later this is home and I love it! Those saguaro cactus that I used to think were so ugly, are now absolutely beautiful to me! Sure there are trade-offs and things I love about CA, but we would never go back. When we first left we'd always talk about if we won the lottery that we'd move back in an instant. Now hubby and I both agree CA is not for us. I'm not sure this is the perfect place for us either, but for now we are here, and what is perfect anyway?? Do any of you really consider where you live perfect? If so, I'd love to know about it. I think anywhere you live will have it's drawbacks - yes, even Hawaii!
But as far as the heat goes, it isn't really a factor anymore. Because you do get used to it and after all, it's a dry heat!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Night Owl
So I think I've figured out that I need to go to bed earlier. I'm always tired when I wake up (rather, my girls wake me up) and cranky until I get at least 2 cups of coffee in. My 3 year old wakes up every day around 5:30 am!! It's loads of fun. Neither of my girls sleep through the night - my 3 year old has epilepsy and I know night-wakings are common among kids with seizures. She's never been a good sleeper and I don't expect anything to change. My 2 year old wakes up several times too...she's ready for a big-girl bed, but our budget doesn't allow for a bed purchase just yet. Also, yes I'm going to say it, she still nurses. Yep, 2 and she still drinks milk from the boob. Many look down on that, and I never thought I would nurse this long, but it kinda just happened. I'm ready to be done, but it's not like I can just turn it off and if you know her, she's not easily distracted from what's important to her. OK, now that I've digressed!
My point is, I'm tired and have reason to be since I spend a large portion of my night up with little people. My hubby is great and usually will take one and I'll get the other, but when he travels (right now he's in TX helping his company deal with the hurricane aftermath) it's a nightmare. We all end up in my bed or me on my bedroom floor once I'm done with being kicked and jabbed???? How I let my little ones rule my world. But I love them so. =)
Again, my point, I just love nights after they've gone to bed. It's time for just hubby and me, and when he's gone oh - the silence is almost deafening after all the noise and chatter of the day! Those last few hours of the day are the ONLY ones I spend for myself and I value them. OK, so one would think, great! Perfect time to jump on that dust-collecting treadmill I use as a laundry basket! But no, I usually have a bowl of ice cream and sit in front of the couch or computer. I'm so exhausted that the thought of doing an exercise video or running on the treadmill is the last thing on my mind. But I'm ready to make a lifestyle change, so I'm thinking this is part of it! Right? As I'm typing I realize nights are probably one of my few options for getting fitness in. Or if I went to bed at a decent hour I could wake up refreshed ready to take on the morning and a jog (walk for now) with my old lop-sided double stroller and my English Setter.
I'm going to do it. I'll go to bed by 10:00 so I can go for a walk/run in the morning OR make time to exercise at night after the kids are in bed. There, I said it.
My point is, I'm tired and have reason to be since I spend a large portion of my night up with little people. My hubby is great and usually will take one and I'll get the other, but when he travels (right now he's in TX helping his company deal with the hurricane aftermath) it's a nightmare. We all end up in my bed or me on my bedroom floor once I'm done with being kicked and jabbed???? How I let my little ones rule my world. But I love them so. =)
Again, my point, I just love nights after they've gone to bed. It's time for just hubby and me, and when he's gone oh - the silence is almost deafening after all the noise and chatter of the day! Those last few hours of the day are the ONLY ones I spend for myself and I value them. OK, so one would think, great! Perfect time to jump on that dust-collecting treadmill I use as a laundry basket! But no, I usually have a bowl of ice cream and sit in front of the couch or computer. I'm so exhausted that the thought of doing an exercise video or running on the treadmill is the last thing on my mind. But I'm ready to make a lifestyle change, so I'm thinking this is part of it! Right? As I'm typing I realize nights are probably one of my few options for getting fitness in. Or if I went to bed at a decent hour I could wake up refreshed ready to take on the morning and a jog (walk for now) with my old lop-sided double stroller and my English Setter.
I'm going to do it. I'll go to bed by 10:00 so I can go for a walk/run in the morning OR make time to exercise at night after the kids are in bed. There, I said it.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
My crazy one
My 2 year old is my crazy, fiesty, odd child. She carries around random items throughout the day, every day! Each day it's something new, or her fetish might last a few days and then she moves on. Today it was a pair of my underwear (clean of course), a blue pen, a blue bracelet, a blue pot lid, and daddy's blue guitar pick in her closed hand (notice that blue is her color of choice). She had to have all of these things with her at all times, even when using the potty.
Those bumpy things
Tonight just before bedtime (for the girls, not me) I was cleaning up the kitchen and washing dishes. I wasn't wearing shorts, just underwear and a shirt of course, and my 3 year old starts rubbing the upper back part of my legs, and says "what's that mommy". I say "what"? She says "all those bumpy things on the back of you legs"? OK, is that a wake up call, or what?! I guess I need to get my rear in gear and start using that dusty old treadmill that gets more use as a laundry basket.
I'm having trouble figuring out where to start. I walked 3.2 miles on Thursday, 2.5 miles on Friday, approx 1 mile to the park yesterday, and does 4 hours at the zoo today count for anything?
My problem - I always feel like I need to have a master plan before I jump into anything. When I started training for my first triathlon (pre-kids of course) I went all in. I sought the help of a personal trainer (like I said, pre-kids which meant 2 incomes), I had a gym, a lap pool, a track, everything I needed at the university I worked at - oh, I even rode my bike to work a couple days a week. I've got to get creative now with my limited time, $$, and lack of places to swim and bike. At least I've made a start with walking again, but I need a plan. A "master plan".
I'm having trouble figuring out where to start. I walked 3.2 miles on Thursday, 2.5 miles on Friday, approx 1 mile to the park yesterday, and does 4 hours at the zoo today count for anything?
My problem - I always feel like I need to have a master plan before I jump into anything. When I started training for my first triathlon (pre-kids of course) I went all in. I sought the help of a personal trainer (like I said, pre-kids which meant 2 incomes), I had a gym, a lap pool, a track, everything I needed at the university I worked at - oh, I even rode my bike to work a couple days a week. I've got to get creative now with my limited time, $$, and lack of places to swim and bike. At least I've made a start with walking again, but I need a plan. A "master plan".
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Why a blog for me?
I figured a blog would help hold me accountable to my new goal of getting healthy - actually to do a triathlon. That doesn't seem possible to me at this point, but I WILL do it. I just wrote it and now I'm blogging it on the web, I have to do it! That's why I'm going to blog. Plus it seems like fun! I'm new to the blogging world and it's pretty cool so far. Here is more about me:
By 3:00 each day I’m exhausted, burnt out, ready for my hubby to be home from work! Don’t get me wrong, I love my full-time job as mommy, but who are we kidding, it’s a lot of selfless work! I don’t get a paycheck or a glowing performance evaluation each quarter, instead I get to break up fights, clean up mess after mess, do laundry, pick up dog poop, cook (OK, maybe I get out of that sometimes), and deal with more dr’s than I ever thought possible (I have a special needs child - that’s another story). But did I mention yet that it’s the best job in the world, that I would never trade any of that mess-cleaning, diaper-changing, fight-ending, stuff for a “real” job or a much needed paycheck?
Amidst all this chaoticness (is that a word?) I feel like I’ve given up a part of who I am. I rarely get time for myself (when I do it might be an hour to rush to the grocery store). I feel like my most important jobs - to be a good wife, mom, and homemaker - are suffering. I’m constantly tired and I’m finally at that point where I need a break, a way to recharge myself so I can be a better wife and mom. I know that exercise is the huge missing peice.
Pre-kids I did 2 sprint distance triathlons and was feeling the best I ever have! I don’t like to exercise, never have, running is boring, and lifting weights is even more boring. BUT the idea of a competition, an ultimate goal, a TRIATHLON - now that’s more like it! I did my first triathlon in Aug 2003 while trying to lose the 45 pounds I gained in college. My goal was to cross the finish line, even if I had to crawl across. I did it and lost 30 pounds and never felt better (I should mention I never once “dieted” to reach this goal)! I did my 2nd triathlon in March 2004 and didn’t think that would be my last (at least for a while) but the next month I found out I was pregnant! The rest is history….all that weight is back, that listless feeling along with it. I constantly feel tired (my girls still don’t sleep at night) but I know that’s not entirely it. I lack energy, I feel heavy to the ground, 90% of the clothes in my closet are too small. I’m not healthy and I’m feeling it. I want to be a good example to my girls and I want to feel good every day I’m with them.
I’m ready to make a lifestyle change, I need to. The challenge - TIME, MOTIVATION, RESOURCES, ME, and did I mention TIME?! Join me as I try to tackle the notion of being a mom, wife, and triathlete!! There are no gaurantees, just this blog to help hold me accountable, and track my journey to a refreshed and healthier me!
By 3:00 each day I’m exhausted, burnt out, ready for my hubby to be home from work! Don’t get me wrong, I love my full-time job as mommy, but who are we kidding, it’s a lot of selfless work! I don’t get a paycheck or a glowing performance evaluation each quarter, instead I get to break up fights, clean up mess after mess, do laundry, pick up dog poop, cook (OK, maybe I get out of that sometimes), and deal with more dr’s than I ever thought possible (I have a special needs child - that’s another story). But did I mention yet that it’s the best job in the world, that I would never trade any of that mess-cleaning, diaper-changing, fight-ending, stuff for a “real” job or a much needed paycheck?
Amidst all this chaoticness (is that a word?) I feel like I’ve given up a part of who I am. I rarely get time for myself (when I do it might be an hour to rush to the grocery store). I feel like my most important jobs - to be a good wife, mom, and homemaker - are suffering. I’m constantly tired and I’m finally at that point where I need a break, a way to recharge myself so I can be a better wife and mom. I know that exercise is the huge missing peice.
Pre-kids I did 2 sprint distance triathlons and was feeling the best I ever have! I don’t like to exercise, never have, running is boring, and lifting weights is even more boring. BUT the idea of a competition, an ultimate goal, a TRIATHLON - now that’s more like it! I did my first triathlon in Aug 2003 while trying to lose the 45 pounds I gained in college. My goal was to cross the finish line, even if I had to crawl across. I did it and lost 30 pounds and never felt better (I should mention I never once “dieted” to reach this goal)! I did my 2nd triathlon in March 2004 and didn’t think that would be my last (at least for a while) but the next month I found out I was pregnant! The rest is history….all that weight is back, that listless feeling along with it. I constantly feel tired (my girls still don’t sleep at night) but I know that’s not entirely it. I lack energy, I feel heavy to the ground, 90% of the clothes in my closet are too small. I’m not healthy and I’m feeling it. I want to be a good example to my girls and I want to feel good every day I’m with them.
I’m ready to make a lifestyle change, I need to. The challenge - TIME, MOTIVATION, RESOURCES, ME, and did I mention TIME?! Join me as I try to tackle the notion of being a mom, wife, and triathlete!! There are no gaurantees, just this blog to help hold me accountable, and track my journey to a refreshed and healthier me!
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