Tuesday, September 23, 2008

But it's a dry heat

I did get up and walk this morning before the girls and I met a friend and her kids to play! It wasn't my finest walk, but it felt good to get out and moving! It's been hard to get out and exercise since it's so dang hot here! I guess I live smack dab in the middle of the desert, so what did I expect!

It's finally cooling down though and it's only about 100 degrees today! Yes, "you do get used to the heat". And yes, "it's only a dry heat"!! I didn't quite buy into either of those statements when we first moved here 3 years ago from Southern CA. I was miserable! I missed my family, I missed the beach, I missed the cool breeze, I missed green, I missed the variety of people, I missed all the ma and pa restaurants with yummy food, I missed being able to take a walk anytime of year, I had a newborn baby with health problems (that's another post) and I wanted to go home and never see another cactus again!

BUT 3 1/2 years later this is home and I love it! Those saguaro cactus that I used to think were so ugly, are now absolutely beautiful to me! Sure there are trade-offs and things I love about CA, but we would never go back. When we first left we'd always talk about if we won the lottery that we'd move back in an instant. Now hubby and I both agree CA is not for us. I'm not sure this is the perfect place for us either, but for now we are here, and what is perfect anyway?? Do any of you really consider where you live perfect? If so, I'd love to know about it. I think anywhere you live will have it's drawbacks - yes, even Hawaii!

But as far as the heat goes, it isn't really a factor anymore. Because you do get used to it and after all, it's a dry heat!

This is my dad telling the girls all about cactus on one of our many hikes!

My crew on a hike this past winter (yes, this is how our Feb. looks) isn't it pretty?

I love it when the saguaro flowers bloom in May.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jill
Followed your link from Angie Smith's blog. Great blog! I have ALWAYS wanted to live in AZ (docs recommend it - dry heat is theorized to help arthritis) but still live in WV . . . my husband has no desire to move. (Sigh).
Love the pics of your family - and the cacti! Praying for your endurance as you train for the triatholon!
Blessings to you and your family,
Christina from WV

new*me said...

Beautiful pics! What an amazing thing to be training for! Good luck with it ;)