Sunday, September 21, 2008

Those bumpy things

Tonight just before bedtime (for the girls, not me) I was cleaning up the kitchen and washing dishes. I wasn't wearing shorts, just underwear and a shirt of course, and my 3 year old starts rubbing the upper back part of my legs, and says "what's that mommy". I say "what"? She says "all those bumpy things on the back of you legs"? OK, is that a wake up call, or what?! I guess I need to get my rear in gear and start using that dusty old treadmill that gets more use as a laundry basket.

I'm having trouble figuring out where to start. I walked 3.2 miles on Thursday, 2.5 miles on Friday, approx 1 mile to the park yesterday, and does 4 hours at the zoo today count for anything?

My problem - I always feel like I need to have a master plan before I jump into anything. When I started training for my first triathlon (pre-kids of course) I went all in. I sought the help of a personal trainer (like I said, pre-kids which meant 2 incomes), I had a gym, a lap pool, a track, everything I needed at the university I worked at - oh, I even rode my bike to work a couple days a week. I've got to get creative now with my limited time, $$, and lack of places to swim and bike. At least I've made a start with walking again, but I need a plan. A "master plan".


Vonavie said...

Kid's are so painfully honest sometimes. But the good news is that as I have lost weight I have also gotten the good side of that coin. One day I was laying on my bed and my daughter came in and said, "Mommy your belly is flatter."

I too struggle with getting motivated for exercise. Now that my kids are all in school I do have the time. But like you we are on one income and I can't afford to even drive to a gym regularly (we live in a rural area). And walking around the house is so very BORING! Sometimes I just get up and dance to music.

Anyway, work up your master plan. Type it on here and your blogging buddies will keep you accountable!

Vonavie said...

BTW, there is a great FREE goal setting website. It is geared toward healthful eating and exercise. Even if you are not planning on watching your calories, you could use it to record you exercise plan and track your weightloss...