Saturday, September 20, 2008

Why a blog for me?

I figured a blog would help hold me accountable to my new goal of getting healthy - actually to do a triathlon. That doesn't seem possible to me at this point, but I WILL do it. I just wrote it and now I'm blogging it on the web, I have to do it! That's why I'm going to blog. Plus it seems like fun! I'm new to the blogging world and it's pretty cool so far. Here is more about me:

By 3:00 each day I’m exhausted, burnt out, ready for my hubby to be home from work! Don’t get me wrong, I love my full-time job as mommy, but who are we kidding, it’s a lot of selfless work! I don’t get a paycheck or a glowing performance evaluation each quarter, instead I get to break up fights, clean up mess after mess, do laundry, pick up dog poop, cook (OK, maybe I get out of that sometimes), and deal with more dr’s than I ever thought possible (I have a special needs child - that’s another story). But did I mention yet that it’s the best job in the world, that I would never trade any of that mess-cleaning, diaper-changing, fight-ending, stuff for a “real” job or a much needed paycheck?

Amidst all this chaoticness (is that a word?) I feel like I’ve given up a part of who I am. I rarely get time for myself (when I do it might be an hour to rush to the grocery store). I feel like my most important jobs - to be a good wife, mom, and homemaker - are suffering. I’m constantly tired and I’m finally at that point where I need a break, a way to recharge myself so I can be a better wife and mom. I know that exercise is the huge missing peice.

Pre-kids I did 2 sprint distance triathlons and was feeling the best I ever have! I don’t like to exercise, never have, running is boring, and lifting weights is even more boring. BUT the idea of a competition, an ultimate goal, a TRIATHLON - now that’s more like it! I did my first triathlon in Aug 2003 while trying to lose the 45 pounds I gained in college. My goal was to cross the finish line, even if I had to crawl across. I did it and lost 30 pounds and never felt better (I should mention I never once “dieted” to reach this goal)! I did my 2nd triathlon in March 2004 and didn’t think that would be my last (at least for a while) but the next month I found out I was pregnant! The rest is history….all that weight is back, that listless feeling along with it. I constantly feel tired (my girls still don’t sleep at night) but I know that’s not entirely it. I lack energy, I feel heavy to the ground, 90% of the clothes in my closet are too small. I’m not healthy and I’m feeling it. I want to be a good example to my girls and I want to feel good every day I’m with them.

I’m ready to make a lifestyle change, I need to. The challenge - TIME, MOTIVATION, RESOURCES, ME, and did I mention TIME?! Join me as I try to tackle the notion of being a mom, wife, and triathlete!! There are no gaurantees, just this blog to help hold me accountable, and track my journey to a refreshed and healthier me!


Heidi said...

Wow, I am so inspired by your goal to do a triathlon! I to have 2 small children at home and I am really trying to get myself back in shape. I jog in the mornings before my husband goes to work. It really is hard making myself get out of bed so early! You have inspired me to make a goal for myself. Thank you!
You go girl!

Jill said...

Thanks Heidi! Good for you getting out in the mornings! That's gotta feel good once you're done! My hubby leaves for work by 6 every day and my 3 year old has me up at 5:30 so I can't imagine getting out earlier than that.....