Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Where do I start?

Well I got a good run/walk in today! It's 80 degrees and gorgeous so I had NO excuse! Sorry to all of you dealing with cold and snow. It's the nice thing about living in AZ, but don't worry, I'll be complaining come July. =)

I forced myself to go and I'm sure glad I did!!! I did about an hour total, walked some & ran some - I haven't clocked how far I went, but I know it was about 4 miles. I had the double jogger and my dog with me, so that slowed me down a bit! It was either the dog wanting to pee or smell something, or the girls wanting a snack, a drink, or "she's hitting me", or "she's on my side", or "are we almost to the park". AGH! But I felt great afterwards!! The girls got to play in the neighborhood park after while I stretched! I truly feel energized!

I think I need a set schedule or a plan. I just went out and did what my body told me. I'm sure I could have pushed myself a bit more. How do you mom's do it? What's your exercise schedule like? The hardest part about training for a tri is going to be fitting all 3 sports in. The running part will be easiest since I have the jogging stroller. I guess I'll just have to make it work.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I saw your post here:

I was diagnosed with MM last year and I am expected to start treatment next month at the University of Michigan. I took a trip down to Little Rock, AK to investigate my options.

You can glean anything you want from our unfolding story here:

I pray accuracy over the insight from each doctor you guys encounter.

P.S. we love attachment parenting, the outdoors and Jesus too :)